记一场逗比的gym - HZH's Blog - 自闭症


nbdhhzh posted @ 2015年6月04日 16:01 in 屯题 with tags Gym , 969 阅读



Double click (or ctrl+click) each entry to view its submission history
# Who = Penalty A B C D E F G H I J K
1 China AFO teamnbdhhzhhuhanwenmxh1999# 10 301 +00:05 +01:07 +200:49 +00:06 +01:14 +00:04 +00:01 +00:07 +00:08 +00:40  
2 Ghost participant Comenius University (Tomáš Belan, Vladimír Boža, Peter Fulla) 10 1202 +00:45 +404:42 +00:14 +201:58 +00:36   +02:46 +00:19 +02:24 +01:15 +03:03
3 Ghost participant Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Jakub Adamek, Grzegorz Guśpiel, Jonasz Pamuła) 10 1300 +100:51 +103:38 +00:25 +03:02 +01:46   +02:43 +00:16 +01:10 +101:54 +104:35
4 Ukraine FlawlessFdgFurkoM0sTik# 9 987 +100:20 +403:53 +00:42 +201:19 +101:36   +02:56 +00:16 +01:50 +00:55 -7
5 Ghost participant University of Warsaw (Tomasz Kociumaka, Marcin Andrychowicz, Maciej Klimek) 9 1008 +00:16 -3 +00:39 +02:11 +101:40   +04:06 +00:11 +202:30 +100:54 +03:01
6 Russia Saratov SU 2fcspartakmIlyaLosikar# 9 1034 +01:18 +03:46 +00:42 +104:04 +02:02   +101:57 +00:06 +02:20 +00:19  
7 Ghost participant University of Warsaw (Jakub Oćwieja, Mirosław Michalski, Jarosław Błasiok) 9 1121 +00:45 +02:12 +00:59 +03:02 +102:33   +104:45 +00:13 +101:35 +200:57  
8 Ghost participant University of Wroclaw (Anna Piekarska, Damian Straszak, Jakub Tarnawski) 9 1229 +301:17   +00:16 +103:17 +01:04   +103:57 +00:24 +02:21 +201:03 +04:30
9 Ghost participant Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Piotr Bejda, Michał Sapalski, Igor Adamski) 8 884 +00:39 -25 +00:14 +202:19 +01:02   +101:33 +00:20 +604:49 +100:28 -2
10 Russia hse02aidyurboss# 8 901 +00:15   +00:54 +01:18 +01:43   +204:03 +00:31 +302:43 +201:14  
11 Australia YujOHappyBotjunkbotKKOrange# 8 941 +100:43 -6 +00:12 +102:30 +101:46   +104:05 +00:27 +302:46 +100:32  
12 Ghost participant University of Warsaw (Dawid Dąbrowski, Adam Karczmarz, Adrian Jaskółka) 8 968 +100:43   +00:22 +103:56 +01:56   +102:10 +00:13   +101:01 +04:27
13 Ghost participant University of Zagreb (Ivan Katanic, Stjepan Glavina, Goran Žužić) 8 985 +200:26   +100:43 +301:18 +01:25   +403:40 +00:08   +01:00 +303:25
14 Vietnam RRwatamedaI_love_Hoang_YenAquacloud# 8 992 +00:30 -11 +00:21 +804:11 +01:25   +102:40 +00:21 +102:14 +200:50 -2
15 China BUPT: MikotoMikotoBUPT_birdstormwinoros,shanbei_drug_trafficker# 8 1115 +100:53 -15 +00:46 +02:47 +103:41   +04:28 +200:13 +03:17 +01:10  
16 United States (USA) VictorsarcherundeadCLDPWCG# 8 1393 +404:58 +704:45 +00:37 +102:46 +01:57     +00:08 +02:11 +101:31  
17 Iran WLKSJeBeKHaghani# 7 500 +100:31 -3 +00:48 +00:11 +102:22   +101:43 +00:18   +101:07  
18 lgs10086# 7 731 +00:38   +00:42 +101:19 +303:09     +100:07 +03:37 +00:59  
19 China FFFSalvare001hjx1212# 7 781 +00:42   +00:36 +03:18 +301:56     +00:18 +202:11 +301:20  
20 Ghost participant Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Jacek Szmigiel, Michał Zgliczyński, Wojciech Łopata) 7 789 +101:22   +100:53 +102:04 +01:42   +204:04 +00:41   +00:43



# When Who Problem Lang Verdict Time Memory
11410730 2015-06-04 10:49:11 AFO teamnbdhhzh,huhanwenmxh1999# E - Word equations GNU C++ Accepted 358 ms 100 KB
11410672 2015-06-04 10:42:23 AFO teamnbdhhzh,huhanwenmxh1999# B - Who wants to live forever? GNU C++ Accepted 77 ms 0 KB
11410527 2015-06-04 10:24:24 AFO teamnbdhhzh,huhanwenmxh1999# C - Chemist's vows GNU C++ Accepted 452 ms 100 KB
11410450 2015-06-04 10:15:10 AFO teamnbdhhzh,huhanwenmxh1999# J - Conservation GNU C++ Accepted 1294 ms 10000 KB
11410319 2015-06-04 10:00:04 AFO teamnbdhhzh,huhanwenmxh1999# C - Chemist's vows GNU C++ Wrong answer on test 2 124 ms 100 KB
11410303 2015-06-04 09:58:46 AFO teamnbdhhzh,huhanwenmxh1999# C - Chemist's vows GNU C++ Wrong answer on test 2 124 ms 100 KB
11410147 2015-06-04 09:43:21 AFO teamnbdhhzh,huhanwenmxh1999# I - The Dragon and the knights GNU C++ Accepted 530 ms 600 KB
11410138 2015-06-04 09:42:26 AFO teamnbdhhzh,huhanwenmxh1999# H - Darts GNU C++ Accepted 264 ms 0 KB
11410130 2015-06-04 09:41:33 AFO teamnbdhhzh,huhanwenmxh1999# D - Non-boring sequences GNU C++ Accepted 592 ms 9200 KB
11410125 2015-06-04 09:40:53 AFO teamnbdhhzh,huhanwenmxh1999# A - Kingdoms GNU C++ Accepted 1123 ms 87000 KB
11410118 2015-06-04 09:40:01 AFO teamnbdhhzh,huhanwenmxh1999# D - Non-boring sequences GNU C++ Compilation error 0 ms 0 KB
11410110 2015-06-04 09:39:01 AFO teamnbdhhzh,huhanwenmxh1999# F - Farm and factory GNU C++ Accepted 1185 ms 10000 KB
11410098 2015-06-04 09:38:07 AFO teamnbdhhzh,huhanwenmxh1999# F - Farm and factory GNU C++ Compilation error 0 ms 0 KB
11410084 2015-06-04 09:36:30 AFO teamnbdhhzh,huhanwenmxh1999# G - Jewel heist GNU C++ Accepted 1123 ms 23100 KB



A - Kindoms 集合DP 2^n*n的不虚

B - Who wants to live forever? 找规律吧。。他必须是形如abc0cba0abc0cba0abc这样的形式,abc这样的个数是n+1的lowbit-1..

C - Chemist's vows 签到题。

D - Non-boring sequences 线段树吧。。从左往右扫,用线段树维护当右边界是i时,以j为左边界是否可行。然后只要有一个点不可行就是不行。

E - Word equations 先排一下拓扑序,然后对每等式预处理出从某位开始最多能到哪一位。

F - Farm and factory 先处理出每个城市离两个点之间的距离x[i],y[i]。然后给新首都规定离两个点的距离X,Y。然后新首都和这个城市的距离是max((X-x[i]),abs(Y-y[i]))。然后把切比雪夫距离转成曼哈顿距离贪心一下。。注意转回来的时候非整数的情况。。

G - Jewel heist 考虑贪心。他的意思是某种珠宝不取。从下往上扫,新来一个珠宝,你找他左右最近的两个,然后中间的那一段都可以取。最后再把同色的两两之间扫一遍就好了。。

H - Darts 超级签到题。。

I - The Dragon and the knights 首先根据欧拉定理算出平面上的块的个数。然后用二进制表示出一个点他和所有河流的上下关系。然后unique一下判断剩余点数和块数是否相等就好了。。

J - Conversation 签到题。。分两类讨论一下。。

黈黈黈 说:
2015年6月11日 16:43


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