京城10日游 - HZH's Blog - 自闭症
posted @ 2016年5月09日 17:47
in 随笔
, 1090 阅读
day1 污污污,小火车进站辣!
day2 人太弱DP调不出来滚粗辣!
day3 走了3公里路,爽!
day4 T1作为我的讲课题我居然不会做,日!
day5 线性规划?线性规划!
day6 看到T1我就惊呆了!居然还能捡块金牌!dzd真犀利。
day7 全聚德烤鸭真好吃!
day8 solo?solo!
day9 开场看三题就只会做T2啊。。这真的不是最直观的题?
day10 颓颓颓
2022年8月08日 06:23
Zen Internet Broadband is considered as the fastest & reliable broadband for both home & business purpose. The company is having the strength of approximately 413 employees & all of them being dedicated & hard working people making the internet services very reliable. ZEN Internet Because of the hard work of the employees as well as CEO (Paul Stobard) & Chairman (Richard Tang), the company won several awards in 2006 at ISPA i.e. Internet Service Provider’s Association.
2022年9月18日 05:39
Social Study is most important students to all students of AP 10th Class, here we have provided the study material with solved question bank for all government and private school TM, EM, UM and HM students in chapter wise from past years old exams and we have provided the AP 10th Social Model Paper 2023 Pdf suggested by subject experts. AP SSC Social Model Paper All BSEAP 10th class regular and private course students can follow the list of chapters under SSC Social Study to practice study material with previous question bank to get a better score in summative assessment (SA) and formative assessment (FA) SA-1, SA-2, FA-1, FA-2, FA-3, FA-4 along with Assignments exams previously called Unit Test-1, Unit Test-2, Unit Test-3, Unit Test-4 and Three Months.